Wednesday, January 21, 2015

7 Laws of Aggressiveness

The greatest dreams are always unrealistic. - Will Smith

            If you want to become wealthy, you need to be aggressive.
            If you want to be entrepreneurs, you have to be aggressive.
            If you want to be great employees—not just mediocre ones—you have to be aggressive.
            Here are the 7 Laws of Aggressiveness:

1. The Law of Clarity

            People ask me, "How were you able to achieve all that you have achieved?”
            Here's my answer: "I know what I want. I imagine it. I dream it.”
            How can you be aggressive if you don't know what you want?
            People who aren't clear with what they want will always be lukewarm, wishy-washy, tepid, non-committed.
The more precise these thoughts are, the quicker it becomes a reality
            When Tiger Woods was 8 years old, he already said, "I will break all golf world records and be the number one golfer in the world.”
            When Steven Spielberg was 12 years, he already said, "I will tell stories to the world through movies.”
            When Bill Clinton was still in Yale, Hilary said that he told everyone he met, "One day, I'll be the President of the United States.”
            They were clear about what they wanted.
            Are you?
            Review your dreams.
2. The Law of Focus

            An aggressive person is totally focused.
            At any time, you only can focus on one thing.
The more focused you are, the quicker it becomes reality.
            (More on this on Habit 7.)

3. The Law of Intensity
            Show me a successful person, and I'll show you a passionate person.
            If you have not yet discovered your passion, you've not yet discovered your path to success.
            Be intense! Be passionate! Be on fire!
            Note: I'm not talking of obsession.
            We want to live a life of balance. 
            But to succeed in business, you need to have passion for what you do.

4. The Law of Action

            Let me ask you a question:
            Six frogs were sitting on the fence. One frog decided to jump off. How many are left?
            If you answered 5, you're wrong.
            The correct answer is all 6 are still sitting on the fence. 
            Because I said "One frog decided to jump.” 
            But did he really jump?
            Many people just make decisions.
            "I'm deciding to diet tomorrow.”
            "I'm deciding to quit smoking.” 
            "I'm deciding to get rich.”
            Will something happen?
            Aggressive people don't just decide. 
            Aggressive people don't leave the place where they made their decision without putting their decision into action.
            Unless you act, nothing happens.
            One of my most favorite quotes is from the CEO of Google, Eric Schmidt.
            He said, "Fail quickly. So you can try again.”  
            This has been the story of my life.

5. The Law of Hustle

            If one door is closed, look for an open door somewhere.
            You don't give up until you succeed.
            Walt Disney was turned down 302 times before he got financing for his dream of creating the "Happiest Place on Earth."
            Colonel Sanders spent two years driving across the United States looking for restaurants to buy his chicken recipe. He was turned down 1,009 times! How successful is Kentucky Fried Chicken today?
            Aggressive people hustle.
            They always look for the open door.

6. The Law of Gestation
            There's a timing in everything.
            The baby has to stay in his mother's womb for nine months.
            You can't force the baby to come out in one month or two months.
I believe there's also the right timing for the birth of your achievements.
            Wait for the right time.
            Remember: Success is 90 percent preparation and 10 percent action.
            You don't wait for luck. You create it.
            But how? 
            Let me define luck for you: Luck is when preparation meets opportunity.
            When opportunity comes, you're prepared!
            So keep preparing now for your great success.

7. The Law of Integrity

            Everything you do must come from love.
            You can be a loving person and an aggressive person at the same time.
            In fact, you are aggressive because you love.
            Naturally, entrepreneurs focus on money. 
            But there are two types of income.
            There's monetary income. And psychic income. 
            In psychic income, the entrepreneur believes he's making this world a better place—by giving jobs, by giving his product, by being a businessman.
            Remember that you're a great person.
            Don't ask, "Am I worthy of these goals?” 
            Ask, "Are these goals worthy of me?”

How Aggressive Are You?

            I read the life story of Sylvester Stallone and it moved me.
            Stallone was born in poverty. In fact, his mother gave birth to him in the steps of a school. 
            When he grew up, he spoke with a slurred speech all his life. 
            Yet his dream was to be an actor.
            Obviously, no one wanted to hire him. 
            But the man had hustle.
            Every day, he sat in front of the Director until he was given a bit part in a movie. After that, no one wanted to hire him again. 
            One day, he became so poor, he sold his dog for $50. 
            That was heartbreaking for him. 
            He then wrote a movie script that nobody wanted. 
            Finally, after many rejections, one production house said they want to buy the script for $75T on one condition: Someone else would play the main role.
            Stallone rejected their offer because he wanted to play the main role. 
            The production house raised the price to $225T—for as long as Stallone would agree that someone else would play the main role. 
            He rejected them again. 
            Finally, they offered him an offer he couldn't refuse: $1M. 
            But he rejected that too. 
            So they offered $35T for the script—with him in the starring role. 
            He accepted! 
            And as they say, the rest is history: That movie was Rocky and it grossed $171 Million. It also won 10 Academy Awards including Best Actor and Best Picture of the Year. That one movie started his meteoric rise to stardom.
            (By the way, when he became rich, he bought back his dog!)
            That, my friend, is aggressiveness.
            After reading his life story, I realized why many are not successful. We're simply not aggressive enough.

Rate Your Aggressiveness
            Do you give up easily?
            Do you get discouraged and become passive?
            From a scale of 1 to 10, rate your aggressiveness towards your dreams. 
            1 is totally passive while 10 is Stallone's aggressiveness.
            Aggressiveness Rating:                                  

            How can you be more aggressive?

            Next Habit: Money Machines.

            May your dreams come true,

            Bo Sanchez

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

5 Cultural Roots That Rob Us of Our Aggressiveness

The world is moving so fast these days that the man who says it can't be done
is generally interrupted by someone doing it.
Elbert Hubbard

  • You ask your husband, "Have you fixed the roof?” He answers, "I'll do it next week.  It leaks only when it rains anyway.”
  • You ask your son, "Have you bought a new battery for the car?” He answers, "Next month. It still starts if you give it a little push anyway…”
  • You ask your friend, "Have you started investing?” He answers, "I'll do that after I get over my bills. Besides, God will provide for my needs…”
  • You ask your sister, "Have you renewed your insurance policy?” "Not yet! Been so busy. So far, nothing bad is happening with me anyway. And if something happens, you'll take care of my kids, right?”

            I agree with my wealthy foreigner friend. 
He said, "I haven't seen a more polite, courteous, and nicer people than the Filipino.”
            This is indeed our strength.
            And that's why we're the best employees in the world.
            That's why our biggest export is Overseas Filipino Workers.
            We export the best nurses, teachers, managers, domestic helpers, engineers, and seamen.
            But our strength is our weakness: We're too subservient, we lack aggressiveness.
            Where does this come from?
            There are 5 Cultural Roots that rob us of our aggressiveness:

1. Haciendero Complex

            When we were mostly farmers, we had a haciendero who would take care of all our needs. Food, housing, education of the kids, hospitalization,…
            To this day, we still want someone to care for us.
            To many Filipinos, the President of the Republic of the Philippines has become the biggest haciendero. The governors and mayors and congressmen have become the new hacienderos. People depend on them. They ask them for everything.
            We've lost our aggressiveness because of the Haciendero complex.

2. Bahala Na! Attitude

            May I give you common examples?
            You ask your son, "Did you study for the tests today?”
            He answers, "Bahala na!”
            You ask your husband, "Did you tune up the car for our trip to Baguio?”
            He answers, "Bahala na!”
            You ask your friend, "Did you go to the doctor for your checkup?”
He answers, "Bahala na!”
            "Bahala na!” means whatever happens, happens.
            It's fatalism. Que sera, sera.
            The word may have come from our old Filipino word, "Bath-Allah” which was our name for God. So "Bahala” could have meant, "I trust God.”
            But we twisted the meaning and made it fatalistic.
3. Lotto Culture

            One day, I was talking to a woman who had large debts.
            I asked her how she plans to pay her loans. 
            She said, "I'm buying lotto tickets.”
            I was about to laugh when I realized it wasn't a joke. This was her only plan.
            Everywhere I go, when I ask the poor, "How will you get rich?” they always give the same answer, "I buy lotto tickets.”
            Nowadays, another kind of lotto has appeared: Noonday TV shows.
            Poor people pin their hopes on winning these contests to rise above their poverty. For the poor, lotto isn't a game.
            It's their only hope.
            I feel so sad. 
            That's why I've made it my passion to teach financial literacy.
            By the way, some people treat network marketing (or multi-level marketing) like the lotto. It's a common invitation. "Join us,” our friend says, "because all you have to do is buy the basic package, ask two friends to join you, and you'll earn millions.”
            That's not true. 
            My close friends who are very successful in network marketing work like crazy. Some of them work 10 hours a day. Believe me, it's not a lotto ticket. It's something better—hard work that's fulfilling and helping people at the same time.

4. Manana Habit

            One man said: "I will stop procrastination—starting tomorrow!”
            It's a close cousin of "Bahala Na!”

5. Crab Mentality

            I mentioned this earlier.
            I've met a lot of people who are afraid of what others will say.
            In our culture, some people will look down on you because you're aggressive.
            Some won't like it that you're aiming too high.
            Some won't like you anymore because you're trying to succeed.
            Some will criticize you because you're becoming wealthy.
            Some will even create dirty gossip about how you got rich.
            I urge you: Don't mind the crabs.
            Fulfill your dreams anyway.

            May your dreams come true,

            Bo Sanchez